Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Content for a teaching induction program

Dear All

As part of the work that the Fellowship team will do to capture a snap shot of contemporary teaching induction provision in the Australian higher education sector, it would be useful to provide directors of programs a list of possibilities in order to determine the content coverage of current programs.

Below are examples of the some possible items for the list. It would be particularly helpful if you can suggest others. Of course we will provide the opportunity for program directors to indicate content covered that isn't in our list.

Teaching first classes
Online teaching
Key education concepts
Learning theories
Curriculum design
Learning and teaching policies
University Teaching expectations
Scholarly teaching





  1. A good list. I'd add evaluation and how teachers can use evaluation to enhance student learning and their teaching. eg use of learning analytics

  2. Great list Might add -
    Teaching philosophy
    Technology enhanced learning OR blended and online learning
    Teaching and learning activities
    Collaboration and groupwork

  3. Dear colleagues,

    a fantastic list and additional suggestions from Julie, Caroline and Bob!

    What about:

    Collaboration or strategies for working/sharing experience/asking for help (with colleagues) as I have had many queries about this in my recent 'round' of workshops as new sessional and contract (and even some ongoing) academic staff are not sure or perhaps reluctant to approach their colleagues initially...just a few thoughts anyway...

    Introduction to Student Management
    (I'm thinking this could possibly sit in learning and teaching policies but it is one of the most frequent questions asked by academics new to teaching at ACU).

    By student management I mean two things:

    1. administration expected of academics (generic of course):, application of policies to learning and teaching etc and

    2. Student management in classes/lectures/seminars eg organising your workspace & teaching environment, becoming familiar with technology in your class (may fit in TEL) negotiating class rules (expectations, feedback, assessment return), supervision of practicum (teaching, medical, social work, psychology, law etc); dealing with face to face consultations;

    Managing your time - this is something all academics struggle with at different times in their teaching careers.

    Higher Education Teaching Criteria & Frameworks (Aus context) - perhaps we should put something in (possibly with policies and criteria for teaching?)

    Sorry I got carried away as I find this academic teaching induction so interesting....:)



  4. Hi all,

    I was just in a meeting where 'cultural competency' was requested to be included in staff induction, particularly for 'tutors' (as they are more likely to be dealing with international students on a daily/weekly basis).

    This may or may not be something that is currently being covered (perhaps more likely at a local level, rather than centrally?).

    Thanks, Astrid

  5. A great list that includes the additions suggested by colleagues: How about these additional topics which may or may not be covered in the broad areas already listed?

    Learning and teaching styles
    Student engagement strategies, including active learning
    Who are our students? Teaching for diversity, equity and inclusion
    Graduate learning outcomes and employability
    Higher education landscape- drivers impacting L&T: professional standards
    Student support provision
    Student evaluation
    Academic integrity (staff and students)

  6. The wonderful thing about coming in late is everyone else has done the thinking! The list is excellent and the additional topics cover most things I would also think about including (unless I have missed something - and apologies if I have.

    Supporting transition - into university; across uni and beyond (sort of fits with a couple of other themes indicated above, but I wanted to be more explicit in mentioning transition)
    Supporting student well being (and staff well being) - which again is hinted at in some of things above, I am thinking it might also include - some thinking around positive psychology activities; teaching sensitive materials (managing vicarious trauma)and simple things like considerations when setting assignment deadlines so students are not encouraged to stay up all night to meet a deadline - lunchtime Friday rather than 9 am Monday for example)

    Another thing that seems to be getting attention at the moment is personalised learning - is it worth having a discussion about how we might think that through?

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  8. Dear All

    I have taken a totally different approach to the development of professional development (FoLT like programs. I have used the 7 Australian University Teaching Criteria and Standards (AUTCAS) framework to guide the topics. Whilst many of the topics already suggested sit neatly in the framework, it also highlights the importance of peer review, SoTL, professional and personal effectiveness and so on. Food for thought

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