Thursday, 6 October 2016

Learning and Teaching Induction program development review approach

Dear All

On October 24th and 25th the Teaching induction Fellowship team is coming together to workshop the development of the online Learning and Teaching Induction Program (LTIP). We will:
  • discuss implications for LTIP of the teaching induction literature, a survey of current teaching induction programs that we are in the process of completing, and  reports from program directors of three different teaching induction programs from the sector;
  • agree the outcomes of LTIP for participants and the principles that underpin LTIP;
  • consider issues such as assessment, badging, certification;
  • propose different models for LTIP, and agree a model;
  • determine the topic areas to be covered in LTIP and begin outlining same;
  • trial an approach that will enable consistency across LTIP; and
  • discuss what we need from a MOOC platform.
In the original fellowship application, we proposed the following review process for our development of LTIP:
  1. Post the workshop we will take the LTIP model that we have chosen, content topics that we have agreed, and other documents developed in the workshop and send those materials to a number of critical friends in the sector who have agreed to make comment on same, including the Fellowship reference group.
  2. In light of that feedback, hopefully by the end of November, we will discuss and make changes to our model, content, documentation and begin the development of the LTIP curriculum.
  3. As the content is developed, the curriculum will be reviewed by topic experts, members of the reference group, Fellowship team members and other critical friends.
  4. When the content is developed in the platform we choose, the fellowship team and fellowship reference group members will review the program and provide feedback before LTIP is piloted in semester 2, 2017.
 I would be grateful for any thoughts fellowship team members and critical friends of the fellowship (i.e. anyone who reads this blog), have on both the workshop elements and the LTIP development review process proposed.